Saturday, May 2, 2009


I always thought talent was something one was good at because of hard work and practice. Apparently I was wrong. It is actually defined as a"natural" ability or quality. Meaning you pretty much have to be born with it--not something you can acquire. I am saddened to realize I will never be a talented golfer, talented actor, talented gardner or talented singer--which I have always longed to be. No matter how long I practice singing "Sunday kinda love" by Etta James I will never be able to get on stage, belt it out and have people say--what a talent! I overheard that exact phrase today at Threadgill's for the under eighteen show sponsored by the Austin Chronicle.
The headliner was 17 year old Ariel Abshire, who sang with the ease and melodic grace only a true natural could. Let's see--17, beautiful, talented, wrote all her own songs and lyrics, signed to a record deal, new CD out--Are you green with envy--as am I. But it is nice to know there are still authentic singer-songwriters to discover--not the kind you find on American Idol. Not that she couldn't win American Idol--She just would never want to. It might take her longer to get to the top but make no mistake--she will sing her way there with EXCLAMATION LOVE!!

Head over to her my space page for a listen:

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